The Ohio Department of Health will not report numbers on April 4 in observance of the holiday. Daily reporting will resume on April 5 and will reflect totals from April 4 and April 5.
* Other states do not send death certificates to ODH’s Bureau of Vital Statistics on a regular schedule and therefore fluctuations will be reflected in reported mortality data. Deaths are assigned to their appropriate date of death.
** Case rates per 100,000 are updated weekly on Thursday and are available in Key Measures: Incidence - Cases per 100,000 Over 2 Weeks and Regional COVID-19 ICU Utilization.
Take the Shot
Retired Cincinnati Bengal and Pro Football Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz has always listened to his doctors. He’s listening now, too. He took his shot.
Changed My Life
Older Ohioans share why the chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine. #InThisTogetherOhio
The Columbus Black Physicians Network
Physicians throughout the Columbus-area encourage education and COVID-19 vaccination.
Limit Your Risk
During a pandemic, every move you make comes with risk. Until we’re all protected, limit your risk and stay safe, Ohio. coronavirus.ohio.gov #InThisTogetherOhio
Ask Ohio
How do we recover from a global pandemic unlike anything we’ve ever seen before? Ask Ohio, we’ll show you.